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Precautions for using electronic fences

PROGRESSIVE CATTLE – Electric fencing changed the game for cattle producers and sustainability on pastureland. Selecting the correct type of fencing for your operational goals impacts the efficiency of your forage and protects resources on your land. Temporary electric fencing gives cattle owners more flexibility in their management, says Amanda Courtney, owner of Live Wire Products. Different seasons and changing weather conditions are easier to handle with electric fencing because cattle can be moved quickly and easily, she says. “I can isolate and set up 5 acres [of fencing] in an hour.”

How to install an electric fence

If you need to keep livestock contained, or wild animals and other intruders out of your yard, electric fencing may be a good option for you. Both humane and effective, electric fence lines can be used to enclose a pasture or garden, and are simple to install and maintain. See Step 1 for more information

Keep Your Livestock Safe with Lydite

Human-elephant conflict is an enormous challenge for farmers, conservationists, and political leaders to deal with. Elephants are intelligent animals that can cause significant damage to crops and property, leading to economic losses and even human fatalities. However, tools to mitigate human-elephant conflict are expensive and will always need to be maintained requiring enormous resources from a range of different stakeholders.

Everything You Need to Know About Electric Fencing

When installed correctly and maintained, an electric fence is a solid choice for many situations. We asked Bekaert Fence Pro Van Medley to share advice on everything from powering an electric fence to tips for installation. Consider this article your ‘Electric Fencing 101’ class.